Wave Financial Inc. Kirk Simpson / CEO Paul Marshall / COO Les Whiting / Chief Financial Services Officer Wave removed support for our company’s financial software in retaliation for upsetting a support rep. Toronto Ontario


We were on Wave for about 5 years and had become dependent on their systems for our company’s financial books.

Suddenly they removed support for our Wells Fargo Bank feed and blamed their bank feed integration partner. We verified directly with the bank feed integrator that they still supported the feed from our bank. I complained and complained to Wave’s India support and finally confronted them with what the feed integrator said. The support manager was completely dismissive.

The support manager was getting progressively irritated with my insistence that Wave support our bank feed and when I said that the Indian support team simply didn’t understand the needs of a US business, the support manager went into a tirade, acused me of a racist remark and immediately terminated any future support for our account.

I filed a BBB complaint and the company responded that I was “insensitive” and refused to do anything.

We’re now having trouble getting our financial data out of their systems. These are horrible, entitled people, with zero sense of responsibility for the critical business financial data and processes they maintain for customers, wo are dependent on Wave for the financial health of their businesses. This is a perfect example of the very real cost of free software. It’s costing us 10s of thousands of dollars, over months, to migrate and reconstitute our financial data to a new SaaS provider. Buyer Beware.