Vroom logistics LLC Vroom .com, Leftgate properties holdings company LLC, I bought a 2018 Honda civic 6 weeks later it broke . I am still making payments on a car I cant use. They said they would buy it back and have yet to do it! It has been 6 months. Stafford Texas


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Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2021 08:00:00 -0500

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Subject: My car buying experience in your state

From: Savannah Catlett <[email protected]>

To: [email protected]

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 The eCommerce online platform is known as Vroom. They are selling people

fraudulent used cars in other states and your state as well. It has been

and still is ongoing the worst experience that I have ever had. They have

pending law suites, uncountable bad horror stories online, some of the

worst customer service and follow thru on things they repeatedly say they

will do is abominable, completely untrustworthy. Let me tell you my story.


In March 2021 I purchased a 2018 Honda civic with 32,000 miles on it.

Vroom delivered it to my home on April 5th, 2021. The first problem was on

the day of the delivery there was supposed to be a 30-day tag in or on the

car. Lone behold no 30-day tag to be found. The delivery driver who didn’t

speak a lick of English had no idea what I was trying to ask him! So as any

normal person would do I called Vroom customer service number. They

reassured me that they could send me an email so I could print the tag off

and that they would Fed-ex me the real one overnight.


That never happened so the next day I called and emailed never got a response. Need your mind

that with Vroom you only have 7 days to return the car if you don’t like

it. So for several days, I attempted to contact Vroom the only response I

got was a Vroom case # email. It wasn’t for 6 days later that I got fed up

wrote a direct email and finally a lady sent me the tag in an email. I only

had one evening to test drive the car before it could not be returned.


Throughout April everything seemed to be fine. But on May 19, 2021,

The county courthouse called me. when I went to get my registration. The

clerk at the counter told me I had to get a VIN inspection done, which I

expected. At the sheriff’s office, I had to pay $25.00 for the inspection.

Back at the courthouse, they presented me with a $ 2,368.38 total for my

tags and taxes, which they said was due upon my leaving. As part of my

sales agreement with Vroom, they are supposed to have an all-inclusive deal.

Meaning I pay my car payment every month.


Then they pay for my Vin inspection, title and registration, and tags. Which to this day I still owe

the State of Kansas because It remains unpaid. That same day was the day

that car broke down! Needless to say, I hadn’t had the car but for 6 weeks

tops. Didn’t even have the title, registration anything. My husband had to

leave work to go pick me and the car, I had just purchased, up off the side

of the road. The next day we took the car on a trailer to Garden city to

the honda dealership where it remains to this day. Meanwhile, I’m calling

Vroom, Vsp the extended warranty, getting absolutely nowhere with them.


This went on for days then weeks. Finally, I had had enough so I scoward

the internet for hours looking for contact info on the higher-ups of the

company. After I found some contacts I sent them another very direct email

stating the laws and regulations to prevent things like this from happening.

 The next day I got a call from a man named Conner who said he was from the

executive customer support. He continued to say that they will buy back the

car and so on. We had a few correspondences. Then he stopped answering any

of my calls and/or emails. Again this went on for days then weeks. So I

decided enough is enough I wrote a certified letter to the Honda

manufacturer, to the cooperate office in New York to Paul Hennessey the CEO

of vroom. Also, I filled a complaint with the attorney general in my state

and yours.


I heard nothing from them. Both of the attorney generals responded

before I heard any more from Vroom. Then in June 2021, I get a phone call.

After the last vroom case I submitted. This time it was from Moriah who

said she will process my return and buyback and apologized for the lost

time etc… I agreed and am waiting, emailing, and calling customer support

with again no response. About a week later Moriah finally emailed me

stating any more correspondence from them would be from their legal team

because a legal complaint had been made. Yes, I did make those

complaints but what was I supposed to do? I am still making payments on a

car I cant use even though it is my only means of transportation. Even

though my hours at work have been cut drastically and I can now not afford

the monthly payments because I can’t get myself to work.


I am a mother of four kids, who works two jobs. So that is why I’m reaching out to you and

anyone else I can to help get what is owed to me and to try to prevent

anyone else from having to suffer thru the misfortunes with this company

and its entities. Trust me this is not an isolated event either. They are

no stranger to the allegations I am certainly not the first one they have

conducted bad business like it’s with! 

Yours Truly,

Mrs. Catlett