Uptown Suites Pushed passed me against my objection to enter room for ‘security check’ while my wife was undressed. Austin Texas


I am retired and I live in hotel rooms and airbnbs full time. In America we have a 4th ammendment right to privacy. I paid for a week and on the 3rd morning 2 employees showed up at my door and DEMANDED entry. I informed them that my wife was not dressed but they said I had no choice and attempted to push past me!

I closed the door and then went to management who told me I had no right to privacy and the 4th ammendment did not apply as I was their guest. Obviously no American would want to give up this right so I asked to be checked out only to be told there is no refund and furthermore I would be evicted for noncompliance.

As I said I stay in hotel rooms full time and have never encountered this before. I can't really afford to double pay for lodging but that is what I am now forced to do.