The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) – Affiliated With Corrupt Veterinarians Gary Block And Justine Johnson Of Ocean State Veterinary Specialists And Bay State Animal Emergency Services – SCAMMERS – If Your Organization Promotes These Individuals And Their Company You Are Guilty By Association And Shows How Little You Actually Value Animal/Pet Lives – Washington DC


The Humane Society of the United States is affiliated with ocean state veterinary specialists in rhode island and its owners gary block and justine johnson. Want to know about ocean state veterinary specialists. OK…

Want to know why there arent more 24 hour a day, 365 day a year, veterinary hospitals? Because its an awful business plan. Its an awful business model. There is no legitimate financial institution anywhere that would provide money, issue a loan, or finance it. Its too risky. Its a sieve of bleeding money…and thats when times are good. It falls under the category of ‘specialty finance’.

You think trying to collect on health care insurance for human beings is hard…try collecting on it for an animal from people who dont even have the money to care for themselves. No bank worth its salt would invest in such an endeavor. No legitimate banks invest in ocean state veterinary specialists. None. Its state of rhode island money. Its underworld money. Its money from non-reputable, shady, companies like rhode island own largest freely operating criminal organization, home loan investment bank in warwick, rhode island, and its founder, fellow east greenwich, rhode island resident, john murphy.

Like ocean state veterinary specialist, john muphy likes to mislead with the names of his companies for his own benefit, like with home loan investment bank, trying to make idiots believe that his ‘bank’ is in some way associated with an ‘investment bank’. home loan investment bank and an actually investment bank are so far apart in the world of finance, one might as well be selling cups cakes and the other stocks. Or muphys other company, ‘ocean capital’.

guess what the “ocean” stands for in ‘ocean capital’…you guessed it, its a play on words to deceive you. Its supposed to make you think of ‘ocean state’ as though its affiliated with the government of rhode island. Sound familiar justine johnson and gary block? it should. Its the same thing you do. Now, you would think that justine johnson and gary block would be proud to put their names on the company they say they have worked so hard to build. all that schooling, those certifications, seats on boards. You would think they would be proud to call their company: “JUSTINE JOHNSON AND GARY BLOCK’S VETERINARY SPECIALISTS” With big pictures of themselves on the sign, probably holding some degrees and maybe a puppy or two. But NO.

you cant even find a picture of justine johnson or gary block responding to you on this very yelp page. Do you not know who you are? Do you have schizophrenia? Do you have a disease of the mind that prevents you from understanding? How far did you really get in school? Same type of lack of transparency you experience when your pet enters the doors of their facility never to be seen or heard from again. Know why? too much liability tied to them if they put their names on the company. They are already thinking about what they have to do next once this business is run into the ground.

Need to protect their names. Much better to deceive you with a name like “ocean state veterinary specialists” or “bay state animal emergency services” so you believe in your mind that somehow this place you’re sending your pet to and trusting is affiliated with the state its in, that there is some type of oversight. NOPE. All that training, All that schooling, All those certification. And the two people that own the company dont even want to be associated with it or for you to know its them who own it. Tells you all you need to know about these two ‘business owner'(s).Thats why fluffy doesnt make it home.

They’re all wet.