SMS Auto Fabrics Doug Pollock Owner Failed to Deliver What I Paid For Canby Oregon


 Today's date 06-SEP-2019. On 04/23/19  I place an order with SMS AUTO FABRICS 04-22 503-2341175 OR 9955 DEBIT CARD PURCHASE for $1,123.00. We were told the product was in stock and was going to ship immediately.  After a few weeks, I emailed back (you can't call customer service). I was told the product was being manufactured and would be shipped as soon as the product was completed manufactured.

Along the way I pressed them for due dates ans was always told the same thing. The product was  being manufactured. Finally they said the product was going to ship in August 2019. This week we received the product but they are clearly remnants. Not new product. The embossing they charged me for was not completed either. As usual, they have not resoponded to my emails. I have begun the process of getting a refund from my bank.