simple home 360 We spoke to lee Steinberg he is the owner of simple home 360 company, i have been trying to ask him for money for last 3 month but not getting any responce from his team or from him. also take action aginest him and his team so they don’t scam any more people. i’ll leave my number and email if you like to get in touch with me. phone Number :: 8328381096 Email :: [email protected] Thanks Boca Raton Florida


My name is Ramsey Lucas, i have a call center setup for home security sales. we provide sale to different company. we spoke to  lee Steinberg he is the owner of simple home 360 company, and his few team member name and skype i’m gonna add 3- lee Steinberg and his skype id live:premedlee 2- GIGI is her name and her skype is ilovemoney59 3- ian okun and his skype id is ian.okun i spoke to lee steinberg about the outsource and he told us he will pay us 50% commision for every sale in the start he gave us payout for few install, in total we gave him 26 install and he did not pay us for more then 10 install.

he need to pay us around 4000$. he blocked me on skype and GIGI she is making excuse she said we out not in security feild they are still doing it, and he did not pay us i have been trying to ask him for money for last 3 month but not getting any responce from him team or from him when were we call they answer and said security promotion as soon as i tell them my name they said this is valmart they are making excuse please help me to get paid, also take action aginest him and his team so they don’t scam any more people.i’ll leave my number and email if you like to get in touch with me. phone Number :: 8328381096 Email :: [email protected] Thanks