Ralph Sanders’ Victims LET’S TAKE HIM DOWN! DR. PHIL WANTS TO TOO! El Dorado Hills CA


Are you a victim of the dangerous ex-con and serial scammer, Ralph Sanders?  DR. PHIL WANTS TO HEAR FROM ALL VICTIMS!

Contact us:  [email protected]

It’s time this psychopath is put in prison where he belongs! It’s time for victims to take a stand, come together and NOT allow this CON ARTIST, CONMAN, RECIDIVIST, SCAM ARTIST, CROOK, PREVARICATOR, DECEIVER, HYPOCRITE, CHEATER, NEFARIOUS, DETESTABLE, REPREHENSIBLE, DERELICT Ralph, Rafael, Sean, Shawn, Malik, or whatever name he is going by, to get away with his lies and atrocious criminal acts toward kind and innocent people!! Contact us @ [email protected]  Website: Coming soon- Under Construction.  Let’s unite and take him DOWN!!! Lock him up and throw away the key!


