paypal ABuse of my personal information Chandler AZ


I have been very careful to make sure that Paypal did not send me physical mail and advertising.   Today however, I received a truly s**+**y credit offer from these guys.  They used to arrest mobsters and loan sharks for terms like these.   People went to jail for usurious schemes like these.

I have no interest in getting boned by their credit card scams and no interest in continuing to receive forced junk mail from Paypal.  I called Paypal and tried to opt out of getting the offers for truly awful credit products and any other bullshit they are trying to sell me but Paypal refused.  My concern is WHEN my mail is stolen, a tweaker can open an account under my name with Paypal. 

After explaining why I insist on opting out, the rep told me that I cannot opt out of mailed offers for products "that I will find useful".   Translation:  The all knowing all seeing Paypal knows what's best for me so bend over, take a deep breath, and take it. We really don't care what you want or what you think.  We will pimp you out as we see fit and you are our b***h.

Well Paypal, the credit card applications are not even useful as toilet paper.  I was told the ONLY WAY to opt out of these credit card scam offers is to close my account.   My personal information is being abused without my explicit consent.  Paypal REFUSES to allow me the option to opt out.  Paypal is opening the door to credit fraud and abuse but they don't care. 

There are now so many other payment options that I have no choice and accept that Paypal has forced me to close my account of 20 years.  I hope that stops their abuse of my private information but I very much doubt it.