Maria Cristina Paciente Mendrico aka Tyna Olivia 2. Marzuq Palalisan frauded (ESTAFA) and stole business investment DAVAO CITY DFA DAVAO


I was presented with a business investment opportunity by Maria Cristina Paciente Mendrico regarding starting a dormitel on Camicile Street in Juna Subdivision, near Matina Square, Davao City, Philippines.  My partner was physically there to set up the operation with Ms Mendrico to oversee business setup.  Upon his return to the United States, Ms. Mendrico and her accomplice, Marzuq “Prince” Palalisan, cut off all communication with us and uprooted the business moving to another address and through private investigation we found they already had set up alternate locations behind our backs, in order to fraud us, and steal our investment money.  My personal investment was in the amount of $7,000 (350,000 pesos).  but overall investment was over $60,000. (3 milion pesos).

Ms Mendrico and her multiple accomplices need to be brought to justice and jailed for their crimes.  Her whole family and several friends were involved, in what I would consider an organized crime ring.  Further investigation found out that many of her past friends and business partners were also swindled and scammed by Ms. Mendrico.  Investigation also found out that many documents she provided were forged.  Charges against her should include fraud, theft, business investment scam, organized crime, forgery, among others.