Manorama Sharma Gupta is a Disgraced California Medical Doctor Who Had Her License Revoked By The State Of California, alias’ Manu Gupta, They defrauded, breached contract, were slanderous, committed libel, and were otherwise beligerant to work with Long Beach California


Manorama Sharma Gupta alias Manu Gupta, Manu Sharma Gupta, and other alias’ is a disgraced medical provicder who had her license suspended by the California Medical Board and has a littany of patient complaints, here are a few from Yelp:

from RB Los Angeles:

I am a former patient of Dr. Sharma, and I just wanted to provide  a heartfelt warning to anyone who is thinking of using her services in another state. It is a true relief to know that this woman’s license has been revoked. I am a very healthy fitness model who had a breast augmentation and almost died on the table.
It turns out that she wrote that I am 5’10” and 150 lbs. when I am actually 5’5″ and 117 lbs. The anestesia was calculated with her notes, and it stopped my heart. I went into full cardiac arrest. Dr Sharma denied that anything bad had happened to my friend who was in the waiting room (he was in the waiting room).
Luckily, the anestesiologist felt guilty and called me at home that evening and told us what really happened.

What if the anestesiologist had not have called? I could have had further complications without knowing that my heart had stopped that day. DANGEROUS!

This woman must be stopped!!!!!


From Margaret S.  Sacramento

License was revoked by Medical Board of California.  You can verify this yourself.…

Additionally from a vendor’s perspective:

Manorama Gupta is a scam and is not a professional business person.  Manorama, alias Manorma or Manu Gupta is exremely disrespectul and unprofessional with vendors and business contents in the business world.  Manorama hired my company to provide services for her business and refused to follow all processes and communication standards as outlined in our executed contract.  When my staff called Manorama to colloaborate or receive approvals Manu was combative, disrespectful, she told the staff lies, she berated the staff and she would say disparaging things to the staff like “I don’t know why your boss made me sign a contract with you, I did not want to” which was another lie. 

On top of being generally abusive, unkind and disprespectful in business to work with Manorama Gupta did not collaborate on her project which was required as outlined in our executed contract.  She did not submit any content, any ideas, any examples, she did not provide regular or consistent proactive feedback, she refused to utilize our ERP project management portal Basecamp and refused to proactively support or staff to ensure her project was completed resulting in a successful campaign for her new business idea.  We are extremely dissapointed in her as a business professional and a client and would recommend not ever working with her on any professional capacity.

This individual is also a disgraced doctor who has has her medical license suspended by the State of California with several medical complaints from patients.