Lisa Dondald-son Tried taking my “deposit” before sending the keys to the unit San Diego California


Lisa Donald-son. Dr. Lisa Donald-son. She said her and her family worked out of state for Department of Defense Military healthcare system, VA/DoD Healthacre affairs and OHS Health Care in three major cities. Said she was looking for a renter and that she worked really hard on this property and needed someone who was going to take care of it.

She was out of town, so I could not see the unit but I could drive by the building and let me know if I liked it. Asked me to fill out an application and if she approved I would send her a $700 deposit and her "lawyer" would then send the keys to the address I provided.

This was too good to be true, so I had a friend Google image search her image and this website popped up with the same picture she sent me and a different name. Rent was well below surronding areas. This is how she gets you. $700 for a fully furnished condo in San Diego, call me stupid but it almost sounded like an AirBnB. 

Emails she used were [email protected] and [email protected]. Poor grammer when sending emails, sentences didnt make sense. Strange capitalizations and punctuation. Fake ad, fake story, fake person!