Hrvatski Telekom Stolen prepaid SIM card credit during recharging account balance and reactivating weekly flat surf option. Zagreb


Be very carefull to use Simpa or T-Hrvatski Telekom!!! They use fraudulent business practices. I used them 3 weeks ago with weekly flat surf option internet connection. Even when first week of use was without problem, second week was hell for me and they have been stolen 70 Kuna from my account. At first they are promising 10% credit bonus, when you topup with them online.

In fact you will get nothing, until value of top up amount is at least 60 HRK. But this condition is not anywhere on purchase page or purchase process available. They only promising 10% bonus. They offer to topup only for 60 HRK and then 100 HRK amount. I needed to topup 70 HRK so I did 30 and then 40 HRK amount later and got no 10% bonus.

Next much bigger problem is,  that when my flat weekly option expired, SIM card silently changed billing to some insane rate paid per MB. There was no information anywhere about this very expensive rate. So when I toped up first 30 HRK, all credit was cosumend in several seconds during time when I tried to topup second payment and later second 40HRK credit too. There was simply no time to reactivate weekly flat surf option, all credit was consumed during several minutes after it was topped up. Answer from Simpa/T-mobile support was, that it is clear, that when you are topping up credit and reactivating flat surf option, that data on device must be switched off.

No way – this information is not available on any place (SIM card manual, web etc.) No matter that toppup of credit is being done online on their website and all my credit was spent only browsing their website when I was trying to top up second payment and later by communication with their support. I am disputing now both credit card payment with Visa. Be careful if you decide to use their service. When I happened, I refused to use them again in future and went  rather to Croatia post to buy new Tele2 card.