Stay away from that company! Sadly it is a scam and I wished I checked out sites like ripoff report before I signed up for their services. What a mistake! After 4 months of paying, my firm was still not showing on the google map, not to even mention the first page that they were promising. The explanation was it is all getting so hard with google nowadays and and it needs more time and more time. My reports were showing "zero progress" every single week. Finally I realized that this is not going anywhere and terminated the services. After that it was like a knife cut, no reply to my calls or emails so my frustration was rising and I started to research the firm more closely, which I should have done on the day one.
I noticed that the firm has no physical address, no clear owner, everything is bouncing between the sales person that has a great talk and catches the new victims and Derek who is supposedly doing the job. That is suspiscious enough already to know that your business partner is somewhere in Nevada and this is it. If you wanted to go to court you would be suing the state and the phone number, I guess.
Then I started to check out those listings that were made in my name. 29% of those were non existant, expired or circular references of the same picture being posted over and over.
When I wrote my last-attempt email saying I will contest the charges with my credit card, suddenly I got their attention. Finally they called back, wrote the emails. At that time I was passed the happy conversation level so I agreed to accept the refund for the fake listings over emails, leaving me still with a bill of over 500$ for something that brought absolutely nothing to my business.
They are selling an unicorn that they are not able to provide and I am not sure if they are even trying. To create those short 25 listing a moth it did take a student maybe an hour a month to copy and paste the name and address into some free directories, the rest was a scam to pull out the money.
ZERO RESULT NOW sounds like a better, more honest name.