Fairway Divorce Suspended Lawyer ‘mediating’ divorces Calgary Alberta


Michael Sondermann suspended by Law Society of Alberta. Now an owner and ‘mediating’ divorces. Not a professional meditiator. Certification created by Fairway Divorce – not recognized by professional organizations. He does not know how to manage a business or manage money. Customers of Fairway Divorce can’t choose which location to use – must go to the one in your area of the City. 

Michael Sondermann can’t practice law or say he is an expertise in any area of law. He is a thief, disorganized, drinks excessively, and has serious emotional problems. Has never taken steps to put himself in good standing with Law Society. He is only sorry he got caught. Keep reading for the proof.

Suspension Notice can be viewed here: https://documents.lawsociety.ab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/15230144/Sondermann-Notice-Suspension.pdf

Hearing details attached.