Choice Home Warranty CHW Group Inc. Denied Claim Edison New Jersey


The current Choice Home Warranty website and promotional ads recently featured the replacement of just such air conditioning systems as mine implying that such replacements are routine, enticing people to sign up for CHW. Section F number 1 is given as the reason for non-coverage. The fact that this, section F number 1 exclusion, in this craftily drafted contract, is included pages away from the section on air conditioning/cooler coverage is deceptive and exploitative.

The lay person has no knowledge of this particular and very likely cause of system failure. This is a ridiculous assertion when referencing a 30 year old unit. The fact is that this is a very predictable failure in a very old unit and not the result of neglect or non-maintenance. The maximum expected life of a well maintained system is 15-20 years, irrespective of corrosion. Becoming inoperative due to normal wear and tear are the terms as to what would be covered.

Despite the representations in their contracts, Choice Home Warranty has used creative and deceptive means to deny my claim. Choice Home Warranty recently settles a major case in New Jersey regarding this very same denial of claim practice.