Casmira Bogucki was part of a commune many people were a part of back in the mid 2010s focused on sustainable living. When she moved in she became very interested in the very deep details of everyone’s personal lives and quickly became very hostile towards several members of our commune’s living space.
She threatened to “destroy” more than one member’s lives publically and personally and had to be asked to leave the community due to several people feeling unsafe. After she left, she would routinely walk by our living space and loudly say threatening things in the direction of the house. One of our members felt so threatened that they chose to get a legal restraining order against Casmira Bogucki.
Casmira Bogucki has shown a willingness to actively threaten people in group living situations and we absolutely think Casmira Bogucki is not a safe person to welcome into any communal living or group living community for this reason.