BONITAS MEDICAL SCHEME Medscheme Administrators Bonitas and Medscheme (South Africa) Illegally withholding payment to me for services performed on their members Johannesburg Gauteng


For decades Bonitas Medical Fund and Medscheme, their administrators – which originally was an offshoot of Bonitas – have been withholding payments due to me amounting to +-R1 million for a decade of work performed. I am not alone: they have been hiding behind their ‘scheme rules’ , inter alia, for non-payment.

They have also  racially targeted black practitioners with this policy, as was confirmed by the (Adv. Ngcukaitobi) Council of Medical Schemes Commission in a preliminary report dated December 2020. Lastly, they withhold payment to practitioners who refuse  when they demand confidential clinical records of membrs to ‘prove fraudulent claims behaviour ‘.