Animal Hospital of Mt. Pocono Dr. Joseph Valese Charged An Outrageous Fee With Zero Results Mount Pocono Pennsylvania


I brought my cat here for a simple case of constipation.

Before they would treat her constipation they demanded three enemas and charged me for each one. Once they had no results they said they were going to manually remove her stool which would take anesthesia. Again I was charged and outrageous amount.

They just kept up charging and up charging me every time I called them or showed up. I have no proof that they did anything for her. They would not send me an x-ray with her name on it to show that she was constipated and had a buildup that needed to be removed manually.

They would not allow me in the room during her “said” procedure . They would not even allow me in the office. Over 2 weeks and over $2,000 later my cat is still not  having a bowel movement. They refuse to return my calls or give my messages to the veterinarian. My cat has been lethargic two weeks later, She is now an unsociable cat, She is fearful of anyone going near her and she’s not the same cat that I brought in there. 

They also ruined my $150 pet carrier When they refuse to put a plastic bag in it that I brought with me and are denying it. On several occasions they’ve hung up on me when I was looking for help & answers.  They also did not give me any of the pain medication, supplements or after care that they prescribed the because I asked to make the second payment 24 hours later. This is inhumane. 

When I’ve asked for my cat’s medical records so I can bring her somewhere else they refuse and to this day even though I paid them in full begrudgingly I still have not received anything.