Advantage Sales and Marketing Advantage Solutions I was terminated under false accusations. Never was given the opportunity to voice my side of their bogus reasons and statements. CA


This company is one of the worst companies to work for as a sales associate. They consistently lie to their sales associates regarding various rules, events and so-called policies.

Imagine working for them for 5 years and during year 2 asking for a raise because initially told that no one receives more than $10/hour when hired. That was lie #1. New sales reps were gired after me and received rates of $10.50 to $12 per hour to start. When I explained that to the company yes-man he said "NOT TRUE." That was lie #2.

Lie #3 was that he will get back to me shortly with an answer. Well, 3 years went by and no response even after I tried to follow up several times.

There are 5 more lies that I can state, however, it's not necessary because the company only cares about themselves and nothing else matters. If needed I will elaborate later.

One of the biggest lies the company perpetuates is the work they do for one of their clients Walmart (Others as well I'm sure). Those clients are not receiving the results of the work  they are promised. Why? Because they say one thing and do another because of the restraints they put on the sales associates. Those companies are being ripped off and don't realize it. More on that at another time if necessary.

Bottom line is, if you are considering working for this waste of a lieing company, DON'T