Arms Air Conditioning and Heating Beware of (Arms Air Conditioning and Heating) Atwater, CA.  I realized later that he stole several pounds of R-22 Freon from my HVAC unit! He removed seam tape on my Ductwork, never replacing it, Later this caused the exposed seams to leak during the winter rains! Buyer Beware, never use this Home Depot service! Atwater CA


Beware of (Arms Air Conditioning and Heating) Atwater, CA. In August of 2018 Luis E. was the supposedly qualified technician assigned to my home HVAC unit from a Home Depot referral; to my dismay I realized later that he stole several pounds of R-22 Freon from my HVAC unit! He removed seam tape on my Ductwork, never replacing it; as I asked too many questions concerning the freon equipment.

Later this caused the exposed seams to leak during the winter rains! Ineptitude / Sabotage! Buyer Beware, never use this Home Depot service! This notice is based on my actual experience, in my opinion…