I have been on this site more than a year. There are many fake accounts used to make customers spend more money on the site by reading mail or chatting. They lure people by sendin private pictures, which are actually belong to 3r parties. I can give some examples. ID: 1437231 account send instagram pictures of wendy yu as her own pictures. ID: 1392683 sends korean model named yeyong pictures as if her own picture. ID: 1524612 sends pictures from chinese nude picture sites.
All can be verified by revers picure search on google. 3 cases just an example of many fake accounts on this site. When I complain about this to site management, they send me mail saying all cases must be verified by link. And there is no wrong with sending porn site pictures. But they ignore the fact that it is cheating to send 3rd party picture as if her own. I suspect most of the fake accounts are paid agents of the site to increase their revenue. They have other way of scamming people as well, but this is the easily proofable one.
By the time of writing this letter I discoverd that reverse search of wendy yu pictures were removed but her instagram pictures still in there. This site also cover this kind of evidance to clear their name. They also use mail flood method to generate more revenue from their customers. I have more than 75K emails in my inbox to read. One account ID: 1480192 sent me 18K+ letters, which I never responded.
Considering each mail cost 10 credit and 20 credit costs 16$, appearently she spend 288K $ which is highly impossible. There are many such as accounts which it will take time to compile reqired data. It is obvious this is scam done by this infamous site.