Yes, Ken Collis, Tracey Keyser, and Alfonso Macias are all completely dishonest and will steal your money, and laigh while lieing to you. He will prey upon your business that is starting out, promise you the world and take all your money for three months which is the term of the contract, and then use every con in the book to tell you why you didnt succeed.
He steals from Lana Fuchs and Victor Ortiz and then calls them and promises them the world, rarely delivering, but he keeps stringing them along like everyone else.. Even worse, he steals from his employees. . In Hollywood where businesses and individuals are struggling to be in the spotlight, Ken Collis will make you poorer financially and morally when he is done with you.
He preys upon anyone and everyone and no one should ever give him money, their time, or the consideration of a conversation. If you are in the entertainment industry, an ad in the pennysaver will produce more results than he or anyone else there can. If you are a business wanting to gain traction, he is the last person you should consider.
The best part is he can’t say I am a disgruntled employee or some other lie he will try to create to misguide you. This is exactly who he is.