Beverly Hills MD state they sell only pure product then add fillers – overcharge for S&H Chatsworth CA


Listened to the advertisement where they claim they only sell pure product made with the best suplements but when you get the product it is NOT pure.  They add the filler silica to it.  Further when you contact their customer service to address the issue, they tell you they do not refund the shipping nor will the send you a return label for lying to the consumer.

In pricing out their S&H charges, come to find out that they ship in a .75 cent box, with less than .15 cents of packing and charge $30 for a package that can be shipped USPS first class for $9.59.  Then they make you pay to send their product back to them for the deception they created.

All in all expect to spend about $45 for product you wont use because they were not honest, and lose money in the process.  Absolutely NO value added for thi product!

If they are not up front about what they actually put into the product then how can you expect to believe that their product is everything they say it is.  Buyer beware!