Dane Patric Delucchi Pikey Paige Hammond Fraud-Grand Theft-Liar- Con Criminal. Transgender Reno CA, NV, AZ


I am writing for my friend what this person did to my senior disable friend in San Fernando Valley Los Angeles.

 Dane Delucchi Transgender stole , guitar, Eletronic equipment, Recording 16 track Zoom machine. Sure Microphone. Wiggs and other personal propert over $2500.00

Aug 5th, 2021 – 1:51 PM


THE DIRTY ARMY: Whatever you do, don’t give this thing a job. He will steal your money. He has a dope habit, gambling habit, and a liar. I know for a fact he has robbed three employers. He will even steal credit for someone else work. He’s a cross dressing lying thief. He thinks he’s got musical talent, but really he’s a joke. DONT HIRE HIM FOR A JOB!